First USA Title Agency, LP
Serving Lake, Geauga, Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Summit, Portage and Lorain County, Ohio with Title Insurance Policies, Full Title Examinations, Property Information Reports, Limited Lien Searches.
Let us protect your investment.
Title Insurance
Title Insurance today is more important than ever.
For most of us buying a home is the largest investment and one of the most important decisions we will make in our lifetime.
Buyers and Sellers must insist on the best most reliable Title Insurance Company available.
We at First USA Title Agency, LP believe we are just that company.
Providing Core Title Services with a Title Insurance Policy issued by one of the Largest Underwriters in the Nation.
Unlike other forms of Insurance that protect the insured from future developments, Title Insurance protects the insured from past events.
Property owners are protected from undisclosed liens, uncertainty in the rights of ownership, forgery, court actions and other clouds that may show on the title.
The Policy is issued in the amount equal to the purchase price.
See our General Information for detailed information about title insurance, disclosures, and preparing for settlement.
Coverage Amount
(Purchase Price) Premium
Up to $150,000................ $5.75 per $1000
$150,000 to $250,000...... $4.50 per $1000
$250,000 to $500,000...... $3.50 per $1000
$500,000 to 10,000,000... $2.75 per $1000
What types of issues does Title Insurance protect me from?
Here are just a few examples of loss by an Invalid Deed or Mortgage:
~ Forgery
~ Mental Incompetence
~ Executed by a Minor
~ Unauthorized Agent or Trustee of a Corporation or Trust
~ False or Expired Power of Attorney
~ Undisclosed Marital Status
~ Undisclosed Divorce
And then there is loss by:
~ Missed mortgages and Liens, ineffective release of mortgage, unrecorded easements,
mechanics liens, special assessments, encroachments
What does Title Insurance do for me should there be a problem?
The Title Insurance Company will defend your title in the courts if necessary, correct or clear the defects where possible, or in the event of an unsuccessful defense, pay you for your loss.
Must I purchase Title Insurance?
You do if you need a mortgage, to purchase the property. All mortgage lenders require protection in the form a policy in an amount equal to that of the loan amount. The lender is protected until the loan is repaid.
How Long will I be protected?
By purchasing a Title Insurance Policy for yourself, you are protected for as long as ownership remains in your name or in the names of your heirs.